^_^ ^_^ ^_^ *_* *_* *_* o_o >_

Monday, June 6, 2011

Azuwa Sendirian Lagi? HaHahAha..

Erm dah lme xupdate blog az nih...em xde ape nk di share kn..az dah putus ngn syarul n az dah xde cpe2 g..huhu az de bgthu ibu n ayah..diorg ckp...xpe kmi kn ade..along study dlu..klau ade jodoh xkn ke mna,,hehe beshh dgr..( Pursue a dream goal before finding love. Upon reaching ambitions, then the love will present itself emm btol jgk.kt cni nk share ckit pic2 yg az jmpe dri Google.. az ske tgok sbb pic ni bhagia sgt2... ^__^

Indah nyer klau ini terjadi dlm idup azuwa..hehe..azuwa plikla npe keblkngan ini azuwa asik jmpe laki yg rendah skit dri az..huhu az plik...em ade org ckp Maybe God wants us to meet and make love with the wrong people before meeting the right people. After that find the right person, we certainly would like to thank you for the gift is in order.

                                                    : HACKS (Hanya Aku Cinta Kau Seorang) atau 
                                           CINTA (Cinta Itu Nikmat Tapi Awas!) :

JK : Jiwa Kacaw haha..! @__@    

Love is like an antique vase is rare and difficult to realize. But it is quite easy to fallcrumble if not maintained properly.

Manusia tidak jatuh di dalam cinta dan juga tidak keluar daripada cinta. Tetapi manusia tumbuh dan membesar bersama cinta. love love love

Every person has a sense of love. But not everyone had a taste of love. Each person has love, but not all have the opportunity to enjoy happiness 

Love able to put bitter for sweet, moving dust gold, cloudy to clear, sick are healed, the prison into the lake, the pleasure and pain to anger to compassion. That's the power of love.

Luahan hati  ketika LoneLy: 

Kadang2 la kn...az pelik ngn diri az...erm..az ni lemah ke? Kdg2 az nk sgt2 pergi câu lạc bộ haha,,gila kn? az minat trance..em kwan2 az slalu ajak az..smpai yg ade ckp nti nk jge az la ape la...erm..az msih ingt lgi..ayah ckp..klau nk seronok..byak tmpt len lgi yg az leh pegi..em ayah..az tetap mempertahankn dri az nih..az xkn pegi cner wlaupn az thu az ni jht,,az ni nkal..kdg2 org ckp az sempoi...gila la..nkal la..em az suke2 je..az kdg2 xphm jiwa az nk ape sbnr nyer? em ketenangan? az solat..dlm seminggu az solat penuh..then tbe2 az jd malas..Ya Allah..teruknya hamba Mu ini..erm.. 

Az paling xske ngn management Nursing UiTM nih..UiTm mmg di HatI ku..tp org yg urus mngement nursing ni truk..batch kmi mcm di anak tirikn..mcm2 truk..az pling bnci lecturer yg gagalkn student diorg..diorg xpena jd student ke? diorg xleh pkir ke ap yg student pkir..diorg ptot phm..kdg2 kmi thu ap jwpan soklan 2...tp kmi xthu cmne nk wt ayat..dah la kne ckp English Language..mmg yer..kmi de basic ni sumer..tp bhse medic len..kmi thu ape yg kmi jwab..kmi jwab melalui prktikal,,kmi study gler mati kot...sumer student tkot gagal..sape nk gagal?? sape nk repeat ha? aq benggang gilerrrr! aq xsgke msuk uitm nih susah giler..sepnjg aq kt skolah..aq xpena gagal taw..aq pelik la..aq dah try wt yg terbaek...!!! aq ank sulung..aq ad mtlamat aq..tlonglah..ap yg korang xpuas ati ngn answer aq ha? aq amik ati korang sumer..aq aktif dlm nursing..sumer bnde aq wat..xpernah pn aq xanta asgnment or tesis or wat? test sumer ok jer..sumer ni aq pendam sndri tau x? dah la elok2 kmi dpt penemptan ospital..korang plak wt roaster ntah pape smpai kmi de utang prktikal,,,ni slh korang taw,,ade korang kesah ke? ok..junior kmi mmg korang syg en? diorg g club xpe..batch kmi sumer bnde xleh..klau korang nk anti pn..agakla..profesional la ckit..2 oersonal diorg..jnji diorg xmiss klas korang..xmiss ape2 yg korang suh wt..krna nila setitik rosak susu sebelnga..byak bnde aq xpuas ati..bdak2 nursing pn sme..mse sem 1,2,3 sumer tegur menegur..senyum la at least lau jmpe..tp skg? sumer jd pntingkn dri..ni ke nursing yg di latih? mne rse ksih syg korang? mne spirit kte? sumer buat hal msing2..berpuak2..aq ckup xphm ngn pmikiran korang yg terlebih mtang or kurang mtang2,,smpai bdak laki pn prngai mcm betina..merajuk lah ape lah..dah ilang ke laki yg gentle dlm dunia nih ha? mmg aq benggang!.. em nti time nk konvo br la sumer thu rindu lah ape la..ape nyer trend lah..ee xphmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...aq ske tgok bdak asasi..diorg mmg de best lah..aq ni ske memerhtikn org..kdg2 aq tenung bkn aq pkir ape..tp aq tgok behave msing2..<ikot ske aku lah!> hermm.. mmg aq rindu 1 hbngan persahabatan! dah la pkwe pn xde..kwan pn mcm ape je..kwan mmg kwan tp ssh nk jmpe yg bek..bek time kte riang jer..time kte sdih,,em ssh ..lau ade pn..2la kwan bek aq n kwan2 yg ingt aq..byangkn la 141 kot kwan klas tp..yg aq rse slalu tgur aq adlh dlm 50% YG LEN MCM xknal je en..em dlm 50% ni pn..bkn sumer yg bek..ade yg bek dpn je.blkg haramm..err mcm2 lah!..

Monday, April 25, 2011

Today (>^_^)>

hepi sgt2 hari ini...sebab ape ek...?
huhuhu xsgka..hr ni az dpt adiah besa...dari Wan Hasani Bin Wan Idris...=)
suke suke suke suke. . Thanks awak...bg sy...erm tp hr ni bkn befday sy taw..tp nape ye awk bg? haha baik sgt2 la awkni...
* pelajar Kisdar n amik Syariah n asl kelantan huhu npe msti kelantan?? warghhh...
p/s : study leklok taw..nti nk g mesir kn? jd peguam syariah yg excellent!
ni adiah yg dye bg hihihi...
thanks dear! huhu...xsgke awk g cameron highland ingt kt kwan awk ni....ermmmm tbe2 tringt adiah2 yg kwan2 len bg..nk upload jgk la....ngah xde kje nih..hohoho...

buku ni iman yg nk...dye suh sy belikan..tp buku ni ssah kot nk cri huhuhu....maafkn sya sbb xdpt bg awk buku ni....mse sy dah jmpe pn..mse2 awk dah g Jordan....em mybe tunang awk yg akan belikn utk awk kn? hihihi

lawa lukisan ni....
from : Iman Bin Mohammad

teddy bear ni
<<<<<< hehe ajey yg bg sya....Mohd. Haudzir B. Harun....

<<<<<< ni lak Iman bg sy.....erm cntik...thx iman..agak trpranjat jgk mse dpt hadiah ni...smpai pkcik Lori Sky Net dtg umah nk cri sy...adoiiii...

ni jam kami....sy n iman..my past huhuhu
jam sy dah putus, mcm cinta kami...erm xthu lah jam kt dye ade lg ke  ek? ntah la...mmg sdih mse jam 2 ptus...tp nk wt cmne...em nk cantumkan blik..tp mcm dah xde mud nk cantumkn...sori...jam ni sy beli utk kmi n utk befday dye...

ni baju Iman...msih sy simpan smpai skrg...emm sblum pegi Jordan,
Iman bg ni....

ohh yee.....hr 2 kn hari Friendship kt UiTM...em ni adiah yg sy n Roomate dpt huhu...

ni adiah hri DHyeaaAA

 ni adiah utk dhyea hehehe

comelkn? hahaaha sygg kt Dhyea sgt2....

ni adiah dari Bikash Thapa haha, pic jek...kek 
betul2 xde....sbb dye kt UK

ni lak dari Kak Nawa hahaha...nk betul2 oii...
xnk pic jekkkkk....:p

Monday, April 18, 2011


Untukmu Wanita.
Jika tak mampu mencontohi isteri-isteri Nabi
Contohilah sahaja zainab al-Ghazali
Usah dtiru Fatima Mernissi
Usah diteladani Irshad Manji

Untukmu Wanita
Andai tersesat di belantara keliru
Andai hanyut di samudera celaru
Kembalilah kepada kalam Tuhanmu

Untukmu Wanita
Telah padat dan sarat
Islam dengan formula hidup yang berkat
Usah ditimbang dan Jangan disukat
Sebab islam telah sempurna sifat
Jangan dipotong dan usah dikerat
Sebab islam satu pakej yang lengkap
 Hasil nukilan Tn. iskandar Ismail a.k.a shameel iskandar.
nukilan asal di http://www.bicaradariaku.com/2010/04/untukmu-wanita.html


Gadis yang solehah,Malunya mengatasi perawan,
Beraninya mengatasi pahlawan,
Cintanya bukan pada gambaran,
Rindunya bukan pada pertemuan,
Hatinya tersirat ketakwaan...................

Sunday, April 17, 2011

MENTAL (>^_^)>

Glossary of Suicide Terminology

ABANDONMENT - Unilateral discontinuation of patient treatment by a clinician.
ABNORMAL GRIEF - Prolonged, difficult, complicated response associated with traumatic loss.
ACTIVE LISTENING - Hotline technique to reaffirm what caller says he/she feels.
ACUTE - Sharp, sudden, severe or short-term (e.g., acute grief).
ACUTE MOURNING - Phase of disorientation, dulled senses, denial, yearning.
ACUTE SUICIDE THREAT - Individual has lethal means and voices intent.
ACUTE STRESS REACTION Response to traumatic event lasting 3 months or less.
ADOLESCENT SUICIDE SYNDROME - Impulsiveness, reactive, aggression towards self, social loss.
AFFECT - Psychological state, e.g., feeling, mood, or emotion.
AFTERCARE - Post-death support services to the bereaved.
AGE-CORRESPONDENCE REACTION - Acute grief triggered by age similarity to lost loved one.
AGE-SPECIFIC - Suicide rate broken down by age groupings.
AGENERATIVE SUICIDE - Caused by personal alienation (Shneidman).
AGITATION - Extreme restlessness common in individuals in suicidal crisis.
ALIENATION - Feeling of being apart from or unattached to others.
ALTRUISTIC SUICIDE - Suicide as self-sacrifice (Durkheim).
AMBIVALENCE - Suicidal individual's wish to both live and die.
AMPUTATION METAPHOR - Loss analogy commonly used by grieving parents.
ANACLITIC DEPRESSION - Caused by loss of parent or other dependent relationship.
ANALGESICS - Medications that control or reduce pain.
ANHEDONIA - Inability to experience pleasure; a traumatic loss reaction.
ANNIVERSARY REACTION - Worsening of grieving on dates related to the loss.
ANNIVERSARY TRIGGER - Idea that people tend to die near key dates in their lives.
ANOMIC SUICIDE - Type caused by a disrupted relationship (Durkheim).
ANTICIPATORY GRIEF - Grief in expectation of a loved one's death (Lindemann).
ANXIOLYTICS - Medications that reduce anxiety.
APPROPRIATE DEATH - Terminally ill individual's chosen manner of dying.
ASSISTED SUICIDE - Completion of suicide with the aid of a physician.
ASSUMPTIVE WORLD - Survivor's values and beliefs challenged by loss.
ATTEMPTED SUICIDE - Unsuccessful effort to complete suicide.
AT RISK - Subject to the possibility of suicide.
AUTOCIDE - Use of a motor vehicle to complete suicide.
AUTO-EUTHANASIA - Euphemism for suicide.
AUTONOMY - Ethical principle of individual self-determination.
AUTOPSY - Examination of a body to determine the cause of death.

BEHAVIORAL HEALTH - Mental health and substance abuse services.
BENEFICENCE - Ethical duty to help others.
BEREAVEMENT - Process of grieving unique to each person.
BIOETHICS - Branch of ethics concerned with medical research and care.
BIOLOGICAL THEORY - Physiological and neurochemical variables contribute to suicide risk.
BIOMARKER - See Marker.
BLOODLESS MEANS - Toxic substances, drowning, hanging, suffocation.
BRIEF REACTIVE DISORDER - Short-term condition with high self-harm risk.

CAPACITY - Clinical determination of individual capability.
CASE HISTORY - Documented account of a specific individual or victim.
CAUSE - Something which if removed will prevent occurrence of an event.
CHEMICAL DEFICIENCY - Depletion of a neurotransmitter (e.g. serotonin).
CHEMICAL IMBALANCE - See Chemical Deficiency.
CHOLESTEROL LEVEL - Low level linked to violent deaths among males.
CHRONIC GRIEF - Continuance of acute grieve reactions over time.
CHRONIC GRIEF SYNDROME - Abnormal grief reaction with loss of deeply dependent.
CHRONIC PAIN - Pain persisting for at least six months.
CHRONIC SUICIDER - Individual engaged in acts leading to suicide (Berent).
CHRONICALLY SUICIDAL - History of multiple suicide attempts.
CLIENT - Patients of behavioral health clinicians and therapists.
CLINICIAN - Physician, nurse, psychologist, social worker, psychiatrist, or counselor.
CLOSED-ENDED GROUP - Support group proceeding on a fixed timeframe.
CLUSTER SUICIDES - Chain of completed suicides by youths.
CODE OF ETHICS - Formal standards of professional conduct.
COGNITIVE REAPPRAISAL - Tactic for dealing with negative thoughts.
COHORT ANALYSIS - Studying suicide rates by age groupings.
COMMITTAL SERVICE - Pre-internment service; before burial.
COMMUNICATION MODEL - View of suicide as an interpersonal strategy.
COMORBIDITY - Concurrence of two or more conditionsor disorders.
COMPETENCE - Legal determination of individual capability.
COMPLETE SUICIDE - Succumb to the suicide disease process.
COMPLICATED MOURNING - Difficult long-term state after traumatic loss.
COMPLICATING FACTORS - Conditions that increase the severity and intensity of grief.
CONFIDENTIALITY - Maintaining privacy of individual medical records.
CONFIDENTIALITY WAIVER - Patient authorization to disclose suicide risk.
CONFLICTED GRIEF - Occurs in losses involving troubled relationships.
CONJUGAL LOSS - Death of a spouse.
CONSTRICTION - Narrowing of individual outlook and options (Shneidman).
COPING - Individual approach to dealing with distressful situations.
COPYCAT SUICIDE - See Suicide Contagion.
CORTISOL - Stress hormone; possible suicide marker.
CRISIS INTERVENTION - Short-term care for a mental health emergency.
CRY FOR HELP - Expression of suicidal intent in the hope of assistance.
CULT SUICIDE - Form of mass suicide completed by a sect as a group.
CUMULATIVE LOSS - Succession of deprivations/frustrations causing stress or pain.
CUMULATIVE RISKS - Sequence of additional exposure to harm.

DANGER SIGNS - See Warning Sign.
DEATH & DYING - Catchall term for grief services, hospice, palliative care.
DEATH GUILT - See Survivor Guilt.
DECATHEXIS - Cognitive separation, e.g., detachment from deceased.
DECOMPENSATION - Breakdown of individual psychic supports.
DECRIMINALIZATION - Eliminating criminal penalty for an act.
DELAYED GRIEF - Bereavement occuring years or decades after the loss.
DELAYED STRESS REACTION - Response to traumatic event after 6 months or more.
DENIAL - Refusal to accept that loss has occurred.
DEPARTING DRUGS - Euthanasia movement term for lethal medications.
DEPRESSION - Disorder involving abnormal sadness and hopelessness.
DIAGNOSIS - Clinical identification of cause and nature of a condition.
DIRECT DESTRUCTIVE BEHAVIOR - Suicidal ideation, attempts, and completions.
DISCOUNTED GRIEF - Nominal social validation of a loss.
DISEASE - Bodily failure to counteract negative processes.
DISEASE MODEL - See Medical Model.
DISEASE PROCESS - Course of a disease from onset to outcome.
DISENFRANCHISE - Deprive of a right or an entitlement.
DISENFRANCHISED GRIEF - Grief restricted by social pressure.
DISORDER - Clinically significant psychological condition (DSM-IV).
DISTORTED MOURNING - See Complicated Mourning.
DOUBLE SUICIDE - Completion by a couple or by two friends.
DSM-IV - "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders."
DURKHEIM, EMILE - French sociologist; wrote "Suicide" (1897).
DUTIFUL SUICIDE - Suicide as culturally defined obligation (Fairbairn).
DUTY - Obligatory action owed to a client by a clinician.
DUTY TO WARN - Ethical obligation to disclose the risk of suicide.
DYADIC SUICIDE - Caused by an interpersonal problem (Shneidman).
DYSTHYMIC DISORDER - Depression, loss of interest and enjoyment.

EGOISTIC SUICIDE - Type caused by lack of social ties (Durkheim).
EGOTIC SUICIDE - Caused by an intrapersonal problem (Shneidman).
ELDER SUICIDE - Occurrence of suicide among the aged.
ELECTROCONVULSIVE THERAPY (ECT) - Electrical current applied to the brain.
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing) - New therapy for grief/pain.
ENDOGENOUS DEPRESSION - Organically-based disorder.
END-OF-LIFE CARE - Services of supportive nature for the terminally ill.
ENDORPHINS - Natural morphine-like substances in the body.
ENSHRINEMENT - Idealization of a dead child by the parent(s).
EPIDEMIOLOGY - Study of nature, cause, and frequency of disease.
EQUIVOCAL DEATH - Indeterminate cause (suicide vs. other).
ETHICS - Principles guiding decisions and behavior.
ETIOLOGY - The cause of a disease or other phenomenon.
EULOGY - Remarks on behalf of the recently deceased.
EUTHANASIA - ("Good death") death caused by other than the deceased.
EXISTENTIAL SUICIDE - Completing suicide because "life isn't worth it."
EXPENDABLE CHILD SYNDROME - Adolescent belief that parents want her/him dead.
EXPERIMENTAL STUDY - Research design with randomized control groups.
FACILITATED SUICIDE - Completion occurs because of clinician indifference.
FACILITATING SUICIDE - Legal term for helping in a suicide completion.
FAMILICIDE-SUICIDE - Homicide of one or more family members by suicide completer.
FAMILY HISTORY - Presence of disorder or risk factors in parents, sibs, etc.
FANTASY RATIONALE - Suicide caused by wish for rebirth, revenge, etc.
FEMININE GRIEF - Expressive, emotional grieving common to women and some men.
FILICIDE-SUICIDE - Homicide of one or more offspring by suicide completer.
FIREARMS SUICIDE - Use of handgun, rifle, shot gun as the lethal means.
FIRST-DEGREE RELATIVE - Parent, sibling, child; risk assessment term.
5-HIAA - (5-hydroxy tryptamine) metabolic product of serotonin.FLASHBACK - Recurrent recollection of a traumatic event.
FOCAL SUICIDES - Self-mutilation and deliberate accidents (Menninger).
FRUSTRATION - Inability to meet an important personal need or drive.
FRUSTRATION TOLERANCE - Ability to deal with frustration without psychological harm.

GENDER DIFFERENCES - In grieving, dissimilar behavior by men and women.
GENDER-SPECIFIC - Suicide rate broken down by sex.
GENETIC MODEL- View of suicide as influenced by heredity.
GESTURER - Individual associated with one or more suicide gestures.
GESTURING AT SUICIDE - (AKA Gestured Suicide) See Suicide Gesture.
GRIEF - Personal emotion associated with loss of a loved one.
GRIEF COUNSELOR - Clinician serving the needs of the bereaved.
GRIEF INTEGRATION - Grief as an ongoing part of the bereaved's life.
GRIEF PROCESS - Individual course of grief following loss of a loved one.
GRIEF REACTION - Feelings/emotions accompanying grief (e.g., guilt, anger).
GRIEF RESOLUTION - Outcome of "normal" grieving; abatement of grief.
GRIEF WORK - Bereaved individual's efforts to accept reality of loss.
GRIEVER - Individual involved in the process of grieving.
HEAL - Whole or partial recovery from injury, illness, or loss.
HEALING - Process of recovery from injury, illness, or loss.
HEMLOCK SOCIETY - Organization advocating the right to suicide.
HIDDEN GRIEF - Solitary mourning; grieving pattern common to men.
HIDDEN SUICIDE - Indirect self-harming behavior (Meerlo).
HIGH RISK FACTOR - Social variable associated with high incidence of suicide.
HIGH RISK GROUP - Population segment with a high suicide rate.
HOSPICE - Provider serving terminally ill and bereavement resource.
HYPERVIGILANCE - Grief state involving exclusive preoccupation with loss (Smith).
HYPOACTIVE - Hopelessness, low self-esteem, passive.

IATROGENIC - Harm inadvertently caused by a clinician.
ICD-9 - International Classification of Diseases; Suicide = Codes E950-E959.
IF ONLYS - Survivor obsession with contingencies that might have averted loss.
INCOMPETENT - Inability to perform necessary duties or functions.
INDICATED INTERVENTION - Preventative measures directed at individuals showing risk factors.INDIRECT SUICIDE - Death as unintended result of high risk behavior.
INHUME - Internment; burial of the deceased.
INPATIENT - Individual admitted to a stay at a hospital or institution.
INTERDISCIPLINARY - Involving more than one clinical/scientific discipline.
INQUEST - Coroner's investigation to establish cause of death.
INTENT - Factor in forensic determination of a death as suicide.
JAIL SUICIDE - Occurrence of suicide in prisons and lock-ups.
JUSTICE - Individuals in similar situations are to be treated alike.
KINDLING - Increasing susceptibility to suicide with recurrent stress.
LEGACY OF SUICIDE - Ongoing emotional burden borne by Suicide Survivors.
LIVING LEGACY - Adoption of traits of deceased loved one by bereaved individual.
LETHALITY - Indicates potential of means of suicide to cause death.
LEVELS OF SUICIDAL BEHAVIOR - Continuum of suicidal actions.
LOSS - Deprivation caused by death or other personal tragedy.
LOSS INVENTORY - Self-assessment of personal loss history and loss type over time.
LOVE PACT SUICIDE - See Double Suicide.

MAINTENANCE THERAPY - Ongoing care to manage a condition.
MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - Alcoholism, bi-polar disorder, depression, schizophrenia.
MAJOR DEPRESSION - Severe disorder that impairs normal functioning.
MAKING FINAL PLANS - Overt actions indicating imminent jeopardy.
MANIPULATED SUICIDE - Completion induced by persuasion (Battin).
MASCULINE GRIEF - Cognitive style of grieving common among men and some women.
MARKER - Physiological indicator or predictor of suicide risk.
MASS SUICIDE - Completion of suicide by an organized group.
MEANING MAKING - Attempting to understand the reason for suicide or loss.
MEANS - Firearms, rope, poison, etc., used to complete suicide.
MEANS RESTRICTION - Preventing access to weapons, drugs, etc. (CDC).
MEDIA CONTAGION - Suicides felt caused by coverage of a death.
MEDICAL MODEL - View of suicide as a disease or caused by a disease.
MEDICALIZATION - Redefining a behavior as an illness or disease.
MEDICIDE - See Assisted Suicide (Kevorkian).
MODERATE DEPRESSION - Many symptoms present; partly affects functioning.
MORBID GRIEF REACTION - See Delayed Grief, e.g.
MORBIDITY - Extent of a disease in a given population; ill health.
MORTALITY - Number of deaths in a given population in a given time.
MORTALITY STUDY - Research on causes of death in a specific population.
MOURNING - Outward demonstration of being bereaved.
MOURNING RITUAL - Formalized expression of bereavement.
MURDER-SUICIDE - Victim commits homicide before completing suicide.
NATURAL DEATH LAWS - State laws allowing dying to refuse life-extending care.
NEGATED DEATH - See Discounted Grief.
NEUROBIOLOGY - Refers to the physiology of the brain and its study.
NEUROCHEMICALS - Substances conveying messages in the brain.NEURON - Brain cell that processes information.
NEUROTRANSMITTER - Neurochemical that attaches to a receptor.
NONLETHAL METHOD - Means that may not be immediately fatal.
NON-SUICIDAL - Displaying no signs or symptoms at the present time.
NONVIOLENT MEANS - See Bloodless Means.
NORMAL GRIEF - Lasts less than 6 months; resolves without treatment.
NORMALACY - Individual's condition prior to onset of a disorder.
NORMATIVE ETHICS - Ethical system intended to influence individual action.
NO SUICIDE CONTRACT - Client agreement to not complete suicide.
OBLIGATORY SUICIDE - Ethical concept of suicide as duty (Cosculluela).
OPEN-ENDED GROUP - Ongoing support group that can be entered at anytime.
ORGANIC SUICIDE - Response to serious physical illness and/or pain (Menninger).
OTHER-DRIVEN SUICIDE - Completion impelled by other person(s) (Fairbairn).
OTHER-REGARDING SUICIDE - See Obligatory Suicide.

PAIN - A stressful and hurtful physical and/or psychological sensation.
PAIN ASSESSMENT - Evaluation of individual pain with pre-set criteria.
PAIN CONTROL - Achievement of optimal level of pain alleviation.
PAIN MANAGEMENT - Drug and non-drug interventions to control pain.
PAIN THRESHOLD - Level at which an individual notices pain.
PAIN TOLERANCE - Level at which pain affects functioning.
PAIN TRIGGERS - Factors that modify the pain experience.
PALLIATION - Intervention to relieve or ease pain.
PANIC ATTACK - The recurring "crisis phase" of a panic disorder.
PARADIGM - Established conceptual context for theories and explanations.
PARASUICIDE - Non-fatal self-injurious behavior; Non-fatal act of self-harm; a suicide gesture.
PARTIAL SUICIDE - Non-fatal self-destructive act, e.g., self-mutilation.
PASSIVE EUTHANASIA - Withholding/ending care that could extend life of a dying person.
PATHOLOGICAL BEREAVEMENT - Chronic, debilitating grief process.
PATHOLOGIZE - View a behavior or condition as a disease.
PATIENT RIGHTS - Valid expectations of providers by those they serve.
PEER-LED GROUP - Support group led by a volunteer suicide survivor.
PEER SUPPORT - Programs to build relationships for at-risk youth (CDC).
PENACIDE - Killing of pain; completion of suicide to end intense pain.
PERMISSION TO GRIEVE - Seeking of recognition of loss by others by bereaved.
PERTURBATION - Increased emotional disturbance (Shneidman).
PHYSICAL LOSS - Loss of something tangible (e.g., limb, pet).
POST TRAUMATIC STRESS - Severe emotional reaction to a traumatic event.
POSTVENTION - Intervention after a suicide to aid the survivors.
POTENTIATING RISK FACTOR - Lethal means, family history, stress, illness, etc.
POTENTIATOR - Factor that amplifies another factor and combined effect is greater than each alone.
PREDISPOSING RISK FACTOR - Condition when coupled with other risk may lead to suicide.
PRE-INTERVENTION - See Primary Prevention.
PREMORBID - Prior to onset or presence of disease or disorder.
PREVENTABILITY - Survivor's perception of the avoidability of the loss.
PRIMARY LOSS - The loss of a loved one to death.
PRIMARY PREVENTION - Attempt to reduce occurence of a problem.
PROCESSING ANGER - Acknowleging anger and identifying the underlying feelings.
PRODROMAL CLUES - Individual behavioral signs of suicidality.
PROFESSIONALLY-LED GROUP - Support group led by a clinician (e.g., therapist).
PROGNOSIS - Predicted course and outcome of a disease in an individual.
PROLACTIN (PRL) RESPONSE - Neurochemical process linked to suicide.
PROVIDER - Clinician or organization offering health care services.
PROXIMAL RISK FACTOR - See Potentiating Risk Factor.
PSEUDOCIDE - Pseudo-suicide; faked suicide.
PSYCHACHE - Severe psychological pain (Shneidman).
PSYCHIC HOMICIDE - Suicide by children of abusive or hostile parents.
PSYCHIC NUMBING - Shut-down emotionally; survivor reaction (Raphael).
PSYCHIC SUICIDE - Willing oneself to die without any physical action.
PSYCHOBIOLOGY - Study of the biochemical basis of behavior.
PSYCHOBIOLOGICAL MODEL - Suicide caused by neural dysfunction and poor impulse control.
PSYCHOLOGICAL AUTOPSY - Post-death search for cause of suicide.
PSYCHOLOGICAL DEATH - Individual's definition of self as dead (Kalish).
PSYCHOLOGICAL PAIN - Pain caused by loss, depression, and other emotional trauma.
PSYCHOLOGICAL POST-MORTEM - Post-death search for treatment errors.
PSYCHOTROPIC DRUG - Medication affecting emotional functioning.
QUALITY OF LIFE - Relative state of individual well-being/functioning.
RATIONAL SUICIDE - Presumption of reasonable choice by the terminally ill.
REACTIVE DEPRESSION - Identified as linked to a particular situation.
RECEPTOR - Target of a neurotransmitter.
RECONSTRUCTION - Bereaved's recasting of past events or relationships.
RECOVERY GUILT - Discomfort with feelings of happiness after loss.
RELATIVE RISK - Ratio of at-risk to non-risk individuals in a group.
REPEATER - Individual with history of suicide attempts.
RESPONDENT SUICIDE - Suicide survivor suicide attributed to "joining" the initial victim.
RESCUE - Successful intervention in a suicide attempt.
RESCUE FANTASY - Belief that some suicidal individuals expect to be saved.
REVENGE SUICIDE - See Message of Anger.
RIGHT TO DIE - Individual self-determination of when and how to die.
RIGHT TO SUICIDE - View that an individual may rationally choose to end their life.
RISK - Exposure or vulnerability to harm, disease, or death.
RISK FACTOR - Attribute associated with the likelihood of suicide.
RISK MANAGEMENT - Effort to lessen exposure to liability or adverse outcome.
RISK REDUCTION - Individual behavior change to lessen risk/exposure.
ROLE LOSS - Personal identification (e.g., spouse) lost due to death.
SAMARITANS, THE - International volunteer suicide crisis intervention group.
SCREENING - Clinical procedure for identifying suicide risk.
SEASONALITY - Refers to seasonal variations in suicide rates.
SECONDARY LOSS - Consequence of loss of loved one, e.g., a friendship.
SECONDARY PREVENTION - Attempt to lessen the severity of a problem.
SECONDARY VICTIMIZATION - Negative experience of survivors with media, police, etc.
SECRET GRIEF - See Hidden Grief.
SELECTIVE INTERVENTION - Preventative measures directed at group showing risk factors.
SELECTIVE SEROTONIN REUPTAKE INHIBITOR (SSRI) - Class of antidepressants (e.g., Paxil).
SELF-DELIVERANCE - "Rational" suicide for a "good" reason.
SELF-DESTRUCTIVE BEHAVIOR - Activities with high physical risk.
SELF-MEDICATE - Use alcohol, drugs, other substances to cope with depression, grief or pain.
SEROTONIN - Neurotransmitter that inhibits self-destructive behavior.
SEROTONIN-SPECIFIC AGENT - New class of antidepressant drugs.
SHADOW GRIEF - Unresolved "background" grief associated with perinatal loss.
SHNEIDMAN, EDWIN - Author/editor of several seminal texts on suicide and founder of American Association of Suicidology (AAS) in 1968.
SILENT SUICIDE - Self-starvation and medical noncompliance by the aged.
SITUATIONAL CLUES - Loss, other major life event linked with suicide risk.
SLIPPERY SLOPE - Potential adverse outcome of a moral or legal change.
SLOW SUICIDE - Prolonged pattern of self-abusive, harmful behavior.
SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY - Suicide is influenced by culture and social structure.
SOCIAL DEATH - Avoidance of terminally ill or dying by friends/relatives.
SPIRITUALITY - Personal search for meaning after loss.
SPIRITUAL ABUSE - Allegation by a clergyperson that suicide victim is damned.
STAGES OF GRIEF - Concept of distinct phases of grieving (Kubler-Ross)
STRESSOR - A factor precipitating or driving a behavior or outcome.
SUBINTENTIONAL - Individual indirectly/unconciously causes her/his death.
SUFFERING - State of extreme anguish and discomfort caused by pain or loss.
SUICIDAL - In acute crisis with ideation, definite tendencies, or an attempt.
SUICIDAL BEHAVIOR - Suicide gestures, attempts, and completions.
SUICIDAL IDEATION - Thoughts about completing suicide.
SUICIDAL INDIVIDUAL - One manifesting suicidal behavior or intent.
SUICIDAL INTENT - Individual degree of risk of acting at a particular time.
SUICIDE LIABILITY - Risk was seen, assessed, documented, and negligently treated.
SUICIDAL THREAT - Statement indicating that suicide is being considered.
SUICIDALITY - Individual's level of danger to her/himself (Shneidman).
SUICIDE - A transient disease caused by psychological stress and pain.
SUICIDE - Verb: to complete suicide (e.g., "My son suicided").
SUICIDE ATTEMPT - Failed attempt to complete suicide.
SUICIDE-BY-COP - Provoking a police officer to shoot in self-defense.
SUICIDE CAREER - Individual pattern of multiple suicide attempts.
SUICIDE CLUSTER - See Suicide Contagion.
SUICIDE COMPLETER - Individual who has died of suicide.
SUICIDE CONTAGION - Series of consecutive suicides.
SUICIDE GESTURE - An action of self-harm indicating suicidal intent.
SUICIDE INCIDENCE- Number of cases in a given time in a given area.
TARASOFF RULE - Therapists must disclose client's threat to harm others.
TERMINAL - Last phase of a fatal illness or condition.
TERMINALLY ILL - Medical prognosis of death in six months or less.
TERTIARY PREVENTION - Attempt to lessen long-term effects of a problem.
THANATOLOGY - Study of death, dying, bereavement, and grief.
TO LIVE AGAIN - Support group for those who lost spouses or partners.
TRAUMA - Threatening event causing feelings of fear, helplessnes, and horror (DSM-IV).
TRAUMATIC LOSS - Death that is sudden, unexpected, preventable and/or of a child.
TRAUMATIC SHOCK - Psychological state after an abnormal experience.
TRIGGER - Factor which initiates and aggravates behavior or response.
TRYPTOPHAN HYDROXYLASE (TPH) - Enzyme associated with Serotonin; a marker.
TUNNEL VISION - View that life=pain vs. death=no pain; see Constriction.

UNDERLYING ILLNESS - Condition causing secondary manifestation of symptoms.
UNDER-REPORTING - Incidence of suicides not recorded as such.
UNETHICAL - Action inconsistent with adopted ethical code or values.
UNEXPECTED LOSS SYNDROME - Abnormal grief reaction associated with unexpected loss.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS - Personal concerns to be resolved before death.
UNIVERSAL INTERVENTION - Preventative measures directed at an entire population.
UNNATURAL DEATH - Tragic, sudden, unexpected loss; loss of a child.
UNRESOLVED GRIEF - Disrupted grieving process (e.g., delayed grief).
VALIDATION - Learning from experience of other survivors that "I'm not crazy."
VERACITY - Ethical duty to not deceive others.
VERBAL CLUES - Spoken references to suicidal intentions.
VICTIM - One harmed by circumstances beyond their control.
VIGILANCE - Grief state involving awareness of loss without constant focus (Smith).
VIOLENT MEANS - Suicide by firearms, hanging, slashing, falls.

WARNING SIGN - Overt indicator of suicidal risk of an individual.
WHAT-IFFING GUILT - Survivor obsession with "What if...?" (Wrobleski).
WITHDRAWN BEHAVIOR - Apathetic and unresponsive emotional state.
WORK OF GRIEF - Release from ties to deceased (Freud).
WORKING THROUGH GRIEF - Purposeful individual effort to resolve personal grief.
WRONGFUL DEATH - Death caused by negligence or other wrongful act.
YEARS OF POTENTIAL LIFE LOST - Period from age at death to age 65.
YOUTH SUICIDE - Occurrence of suicide among teens and pre-teens.
AUTHOR: Tony Salvatore, "Written in memory of Paul A. Salvatore, 1968-1999." Email: tspdf@juno.com, visit: The Suicide Paradigm
Edited For Our Purposes
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